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Saturday, December 6, 2014



Simply put, in this short and to the point note to CNN:

You had your hot chick newscaster, Brook Baldwen, interview the race hating, racist, race bating, rabble rousing Charles Barkley on one of the first days of December of 2014. She asked him her questions without challenging his defamatory, anti-black rhetoric once. It was obvious that she, and CNN, were ECSTATIC to interview the ONE black man in America right now who will openly bad mouth his own race!

Now that Kenny Smith, who works beside Barkley on TNT -- and has as much African-American American clout as Charles Barkley -- came out against his friend in an open letter chastising Barkley for calling the Ferguson rioters inflammatory names that could, in fact, have potentially enraged some of these people to cause them to do more damage... now that he has come out as supportive of the plight of his fellow black people... where is his interview with CNN to counter on air in a live interview the viciously horrible anti-black things Barkley said -- or, at least, to give his points about what is going on in America, even if he decides to not talk about Barkley.

Would it not be nice to at least get his opinion?

I never thought that CNN would pull off a FOX NEWS assassination piece against black America, especially since Brook Baldwin's interview was aired in the midst of all the other great reporting from CNN!

I guess even CNN feels the need for a little racist sensationalism once in a while!

Please talk to Kenny Smith, CNN!


P.S. -- I want to end with this statement. The only thing I agree with Charles Barkley about is this one thing:
Policemen are awesome. 

And, I am going to speak for every black person in America right now -- 98% of us respect the police! That 2% of us are the ones who are out there interacting with policemen on the streets of America. There are good interactions within that 2% and there are horrible interactions between that 2%. But, most of us simply do not interact with the police.

To have an idiot like Charley Barkley basically lump all black people, with the exception of himself and his wealthy black and white friends, in the same coal pile with his ignorance is simple stupidity.

With as many negative interactions that Barkley has had with the police over the decades, it is a space/time splitting rift in the fabric of reality that he decides to talk about the police in the first place.

Like a long time drug addict who has been embattled with law enforcement for years and years... and after he finally has paid his price to society and now is straight... decides to tell everyone he knows, in an over-the-top over-compensating way that law enforcement is the greatest thing society knows -- but all his people remember how horrible he has been toward them and law enforcement, so they scoff at his sincerity because they remember how he hurt them for decades -- that is how America should consider ANYTHING that Charles Barkley says when he is chastising black people and praising the police.

I wonder how those cops he gave headaches to for 25 years feel about him and his smugness!


Thursday, December 4, 2014


This is what a man, 
Who has the potential to be a Civil Rights leader, 
Says to his confused and ignorant friend in the face of hard American civil rights deterioration!



I have viciously attacked Charles Barkley over the years! His abject negativity towards the very black people who made him what he is today is an abomination! And, I will always call Charles Barkley an inhuman bastard... even when he eventually goes on the apology circuit to garner sympathy from the idiots that follow his form of insanity!

I love you Kenny Smith! Thank the God most Americans worship that you have common sense. I was absolutely afraid that you thought like Barkley... but I reserved all comment about you until I heard you speak.

You now have my complete respect!

Thank you for your sanity!


Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Charles Barkley -- Negro Hating Uncle Tom Bastard

-- It is a soul killing murder when a black man of influence is a race trader dog! --


Charles Barkley is an anti-black American, black American, who is showing the dementia-like affects of too much fat in his diet, too much alcohol in his blood stream, too much cocaine shorted up his nose, too much delusion from his compulsive gambling habit, too much Uncle Tom living in his ‘life of the rich and famous’, too much detachment from the reality of the same kinds of people he is on the outside of his bloated stretched skin and too much attention from people who are DYING to kiss his fat ass!

People who take the racially self-hating thoughts and musings of this human piece of garbage seriously are as STUPID as he is!

Charles Barkley is an ignorant fool! The words coming out of his mouth are the drivel of the self-important ignorant jerk who has not heard the word “NO” in 30 years!

Please... can anyone, anyone, sew this fool’s mouth shut with fishing wire! The very last thing the black Americans, who survive this blood war that white people have against black people in America, need is -- Dumb Ass Charles Barkley empowering the very people who are MURDERING his own ‘people’ dead in the streets.

Well... not in the streets where Charles Barley lives. Who might his neighbors be who are black? I don’t know, but I bet one of them is a black man who is identified by the Nike Swoosh!

It is so frightening how money and drugs and alcohol and gambling can make a man more stupid, day by day!

Hey Charles Barkley... take your money and buy yourself a real education! Maybe you will learn to shut your mouth and leave the fight for the end of the black American struggle to those of us who are living it, you piece of garbage!


Saturday, November 15, 2014



(This is the Huffington Post photo that goes along with the Huffington Post article)

-- Please read the Huffington Post article before you read my article for proper context, please. --

As half of Americans become more, and more, stupid as the days of modern American life drag on... concepts like SATIRE are becoming lost on people who DO NOT KNOW HOW TO READ... within the boundaries of the concept called CONTEXT!

Only a fool does not consider the source of ANY article BEFORE he, or she, comments on it -- including these words you are reading right here!

The fact that Americans... any Americans... do not know what The Onion is, and what it does, shows the ignorance out there.

I am no Jay Cutler fan... but, I NEVER take what the media says about this man seriously on first read. He is the whipping boy of sports... and 95% of the negative stuff written about him is obviously straight bullshit.

Back to The Onion... there was a time when great satire ruled the media -- Mad Magazine, Cracked Magazine, National Lampoon, Ballyhoo, Too Much Coffee Man and many others out the screws to American culture.

I, a black man, LOVED National Lampoon Magazine! The satire I read as a youth wired my mind to create, and accept, the bizarre nature of the world around me... including the behavior of human beings. Without satire in my life, I COULD NOT HAVE SURVIVED THE RACISM of my youth. The satire I absorbed from writers like P.J. O’Rourke, for example, forced me to smirk at white people calling me bad names, rather than attacking them.

I want to call these people IDIOTS... but, as harmful to society as they are with their stupid bullshit, they are IGNORANT!

What frightens me is this... most of these people bathe in their their ignorance! And, they love being stupid!

Ignorance and stupidity are two entirely different concepts! Is it better to be ignorant than stupid? I don’t know... but both states of mind can be cured with INFORMATION AND TEACHING! But when humans WANT to be willfully ignorant, or willfully stupid, then you get what you see in this Jay Cutler/Onion article... willfully stupid people showing their ignorance -- or is it willfully ignorant people showing their stupidity -- and showing just how lacking in the concept of applied knowledge they are.

Or, something like that. I don’t know... maybe I’m just stupid or ignorant.

No, its them!



I have one son who is right now, today, in graduate school at James Madison University. He is working his tail off, in school and in side job, to become the best teacher in America. I raised my son to not accept the ignorance and the stupidity of people in his life. I taught him to never be mean, but to try to better people. And he will when he becomes an educator.

I just hope he will not become frustrated, and disillusioned, by the people he will meet in life who WANT to be willfully ignorant and willfully stupid.

We'll see... but I know my son. His fantastic personality, and his Dean's List intelligence, will make your children as smart as you should want them to me.

These are my words... not my son's. He is two hours away from where I am sitting at this moment. I just want to make sure that fact is known. The Huffington Post article shows how easily people ascribe one thing to another thing!


Now, about that 5 year university bill!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Steve Bisciotti -- Please Use Your Two Billion Dollars Of Personal Wealth To Visit A Polygraph Expert! You Are Delusional!

Steve Bisciotti is a crass, obnoxious, loud mouth fool... just like Mark Cuban. Just because this man is worth over two billion dollars, that doesn't mean he is socially intelligent.

His crass statements during his press conference on 9-22-14 concerning the way he flippantly dismissed the fact that there are NO influential women in his executive offices, the flippant way he sarcastically views his own work ethic, the paranoia he exhibits when he talked about the ESPN report on the Raven’s organization and the way he flippantly dismissed the fact that he did not see the “inside the elevator Ray Rice assault tape”  simply because he was not interested in seeing it all points to a man who abjectly is not taking this issue seriously.

In 47 minutes of Press Conference, I did not hear one sincere apology to women in general, children or Ray Rice’s wife! In fact, when Bisciotti spoke about anything female related he said it with a stupid smirk on his face.

This press conference was nothing but the forum for a self-important fool to give his manifest reality to an audience that he could spar with and try to control -- just like Mark Cuban does whenever he gets the chance to mouth off.

If football fans, and women in general, refuse to look directly into the dark soul of this man... the soul he laid out for you to look at on TV... and see him for what he is, then shame on you. If you are so blinded by his power, his money and his ownership of the Baltimore Ravens that you looked right over the con job he perpetrated today, then shame on you again!

Nobody tells this man what to do! Period! Every sleezy thing he has done, and said, he has done it because HE WANTS TO!

Also, as an owner of an NFL team, Roger Goodell WORKS FOR BISCIOTTI! And, if you believe that Bisciotti does not believe in his mind that he OWNS Goodell, then again... you are as delusional as these owners are. They live in their bubbles of wealth and seclusion, which involves fine wine and fine food, airplanes and helicopters, jaunts to vacation anywhere they please, mansions with elevators for their exotic cars... and more and more derision... and the  attracting of the kind of dried up beautiful women who are as soulless as they are!

Steve Bisciotti is a soulless vampire! Who know what deprived idiocy this man is into when he is secluded in his mansions behind gates and security systems.

I’ll tell you this... I bet it does not involve anything that respects women!

And I would bet a dollar that all 31 other owners are just as sick in their souls, body and minds as Bisciotti is. Look at Jerry Jones and Dan Snyder as two openly awful, and sometimes flat out evil, examples of arrogant NFL owners filled with slimy derision on horse steroids!


Saturday, September 20, 2014


This is what I heard today as the commissioner of the NFL finally, 
After nine days in hiding, 
Gave his address to the NYC press about the domestic abuse implosion in the NFL!

Oh yea...
Should I forget that he arrogantly strolled into the press conference 15 minutes late?

This is what I heard:

Me, me, me. me!
I, I, I, I!
Me, Me, Me!
The owners love me!
I work for the owners!
Me, Me, Me, Me!
I, I, I, I!
Commission here.
Commission there!
Maybe, I will have new policies in place for you in 4 months!
A few hired women to give some NFL input.
Me, Me. Me!
I, I, I!

Where was Goodell's contrition?
You are a fool if you thought Goodell was contrite.
Where was Goodell's transparency?
You are a fool if you thought Goodell's answers were transparent!
Where was Goodell's apologies to the women of America for their horrific NFL trauma!
Where was Goodell's apologies to the children of America for exposing them to NFL monsters!
Where was Goodell's direct promise to women and children that HE would fix the NFL's problem!
I did not buy one second of anything this NFL owner's automaton had to read off his notes!

Even Goodell's answers to questions from the reporters seemed to be read from his notes.

The women of America should be appalled at what they witnessed on that stage today.
The NFL advertisers should be very nervous for fan loyalty because of what Goodell did today.
The NFL players should be nervous and confused by what they witnessed from Goodell today.
And the NFL did not get ANY better today after Goodell's failed X-Files attempt to --

Decieve, Inveigle and Obfuscate!

This man has GOT to be a liar!
He has to be standing before America and lying through his teeth!
He continues to insist that NOBODY at the NFL offices saw the Ray Rice Tape!
That is a lie!
It has to be a lie!
It is not logical that the police sent the tape to the NFL offices... 
And nobody mentioned the tape's existence to Goodell?
His words defy the logic of the way a business works.

The only way Goodell is telling the truth is this:
He realized this tape existed from day one...
And he told his underlings to NEVER mention the fact that the tape existed to him,
If that Ray Rice video ever made its way to the NFL offices.
Is Roger Goodell that conniving that he could think up something as diabolical as that?
You goddamn well better believe it!

Roger Goodell... 
44 million dollar a year "salary"  for a former intern with a B.S. degree in Economics!
Only in America!



Thursday, September 18, 2014



I am watching the death kneel of my favorite sport!
It is writhing and squirming and flopping to death before my eyes.
The NFL is not a living entity that has a life that could expire...
But it definitely is run by human men who are as flawed as a cracked diamond!

Something dark has been born in the always spinning vortex of NFL time, 
Metastasizing like the worst kind of Cancer in the past decade or two!
It is an evil concept that has brought down nations...
Let us call it what it is -- THE ARROGANCE OF THE NFL!

NFL players used to be considered dumb jock thugs who were brutal gladiators.
They were caricatured by the media from Time magazine to Mad magazine.
They were thought of as Sunday warriors who mostly knew only football.
And America loved them for their brutality and their size and their dumb jock personas.

But a time came when the media suddenly began to defer to these players for information.
The time came where the fans began to take the player's words as solid information.
The weeks came where the owners began to exert their influence with their words.
And suddenly America began to believe that these players and owners were... intelligent!

Football players are still dumb jocks with the same warrior mentality!
The owners are still the same arrogant brain dead money ATM machines as always.
The commissioner is still the completely neutered lackey of the owners!
And know this... just because you know how to make money does not make you SMART!

Some if the dumbest, most ignorant, stupid, idiotic brain dead people on earth are WEALTHY!
Look at the inbred Walton Clan... look at the brain dead wealthy men of American politics...
Look at the wealthy evilness of the Koch Brother's Clan... and look at NFL owners!
All this filthy richness gives rise to idiotic arrogance from people who are rock dumb!

The media continues to paint Roger Goodell as a smart man.
The reality is this... Roger Goodell is an NFL owner's zombie with one purpose!
What is that purpose, one might ask...
Protect the NFL shield -- without one bit of future thought of what that means!

The NFL's owner/players policies are straight trash!
Collective Bargaining and all the other NFL wonky stuff has meant nothing!
Dumb people have made dumb decisions about frightening behavior!
You cannot have the inmates inside the asylum making policies for the inmates!

The NFL owners are not smart people, America.
One of these owners insists, defiantly to his own inevitable self-destruction,
That he will defend his supposed NFL right to insult the Native American Nation...
By displaying his team's racist name before him like his racist shield of hatred and shame!

Have you heard these NFL owners speak to the media?
These are not smart people, America.
Just because they can make fist fulls of money every month...
That does not make them intelligent, sensitive, proactive, caring or smart!

America... you want your favorite sport to reel itself in and straighten up?
Forget about that ever happening in this modern time!
As long as this set of brain dead ridiculous owners continue their reign of terror...
The inmates -- the commissioner, the coaches, their staff and the players -- will stay bad!

This mess needs an outside force to sweep in and wipe this slate clean!
The erasure needs to begin at the level of the owners of the NFL!
How can we expect the players to NOT act like women beating ISIS thugs,
When the NFL ownership acts like ignorant Taliban assassins throwing acid on the fans!

 These are the opinions from a 55 year old fan of the NFL!
My team happens to be the Dallas Cowboys!
A recent ESPN interview of Jerry Jones relieved just how cracked and flawed he is!
This money making machine of a man, filled with hatred and avarice, owns "my" team!

Every NFL owner is like Jerry Jones to some degree.
These men are cutthroat businessmen who are five step above loan sharks!
Cross them at your pearl, fans, and you will see their true colors...
As they attack you at the most basic level of your existence... your wallet!

Good NFL will is dying on the wilting vine!
The behavior of the players is a result of the bad will from the upper level management!
A stupid commissioner who talks, and presents, a good game front...
Has empowered this implosion by attacking "drug use" instead of NFL domestic violence!

The sadness in my heart makes me want to cry.
It is sad to see the NFL driving away women and children from its embrace.
Why would a woman want to give her child to the NFL...
When she believes the NFL will turn him into a woman beating assassin thug!

 I am watching the death kneel of my favorite sport!
It is writhing and squirming and flopping to death before my eyes.
The NFL is not a living entity that has a life that could expire...
But it definitely is run by human men who are as flawed as a cracked diamond!



Thursday, June 26, 2014

Washington Redskins... How Far Back Does Your Racism Go? A History Lesson From The TV Show "GUNSMOKE."

To those of you out there who continue to defend the racist slur "Redskin" -- the staff and management of WJFK CBS radio in the Washington, DC area, the ignorant fans of this NFL team and the abject racist owner of the team, for example -- I am going to give you a piece of television history to digest as you continue to slur Native Americans.

I love Gunsmoke! I am now 55 years old and some of my best television memories are of the fantastic lives of the characters on Gunsmoke. Matt Dillon, played by James Arness, was the sheriff of the town -- a respected, fair man who fought racism, cowpokes, rascals, gunslingers, bank robbers and everything else that threw itself at Dodge City, Kansas of around 1870.

He had a set of friends in town who were loyal to the end.

Gunsmoke first ran from 1952 to 1961 as a radio show! Then it ran as a CBS TV show from 1955 to 1975!

Now, let us talk about a bit of context.

On March 1, 1963... eight seasons into the show's twenty year run... CBS aired an episode called "Quint's Indian." Imagine America in 1963. Imagine what it was like to be Black or Native American at that time... in the real world.

I don't have to imagine it because I was ALIVE at that time!

The writer of "Quint's Indian" drew upon the knowledge inside his mind from all times before 1963. And so he wrote this Gunsmoke tale. Below is an accurate online review, warts and all, of the episode. I will wait as you read the review someone else wrote. 

And just to let you know... I have not edited this review! When the reviewer refers to racist terms in the episode, he awkwardly uses the terms and words used in the episode.

Quint's Indian
March 1, 1963 CBS

Mark Feeney and Jim Stope find out Quint's half indian. Stope won't pay a lousy redskin the two dollars he owes Quint for shoeing his horse. Quint goes out to the river for a swim. He gets and without his shirt on he throws a lasso over a bay horse. A boy fishing watches. Will Grissom tells Bob Houser he saw his boy Jimmy and the horse down by the river. Jimmy saw a half-naked indian steal the horse. Feeney and Stope tell Matt Quint has the horse. Jimmy identfies Quint. Quint says someone told him to get the horse and shoe and he'd pay him double. Houser takes his horse. Quint says he may start wearing a gun. At Delmonico's Bettis tells Joe if you seerve Qunit all us whites are leaving. At a bar he's told they don't serve horestealing half-breeds. Louie's looking for Matt eight guys are heading for Quint's. Matt finds him and says they hit him with everything they had. Quint says he doesn't belong here. Grissom says he's shy three horses and blames Quint. Matt goes out looking and meets Jake Sooner and three soldiers looking for about six injuns who left the Darlington Agency. Matt sees the seven indians. Buck whinnies, the indians find him. They're peaceful and let him go. Matt finds Grissom's horses Stope has them. Stope says he got Gus Siker to have Quint pick up Houser's horse. Feeney returns and draws on Matt. Matt wings him. Matt tells Siker he feels sorry for him. He ain't gonna get paid by Stope. Bettis is there, Matt says tell everyone Quint is in the clear. Matt goes looking for Quint and runs accross the same indians. They accuse Matt of telling the soldiers they were going to Walnut Creek. Four were killed. They clunk Matt. Quint tells Matt they want to kill you. Quint convinces them Matt didn't tell the cavalry. Matt tells Quint he is in the clear.

In 1963, this episode of Gunsmoke was written to reflect the way white men talked about, and treated, what they called "Indians." This episode, along with plenty of the over 600 episodes of Gunsmoke tackled plenty of racist issues between white men and Native American tribes... and black people!

The fact that people call WJFK radio on a daily basis defending the Washington, DC's racist name, and defending the owner, is an affront to reality. And the fact that WJFK provides a forum for the racist element that resides in the Washington, DC area is sad and perverse!

I just showed you proof that a beloved family oriented television show tackled Native American racism back in 1963... and that was just in season eight of twenty seasons! How in the hell the term "REDSKIN" morph from a pejorative slur to a "Term Of Endearment" is... outer space lunacy!

The word "Redskin" has NOT been synthesized by American culture like the word NIGGER has been! The word "REDSKIN" was always meant to describe Native American tribal members as subhuman things not worth the scalps on their heads!

And the name of the NFL team of the Washington, DC team is named with that bloody, nasty term!

There are twenty box sets of the twenty seasons of Gunsmoke out there. I suggest that ALL of you racist bastards purchase season eight and learn just how low down and dirty your racism is... from a television western program!

And then go out there with your racism and continue to use the term "REDSKIN"... like the racists you are!


Thursday, May 22, 2014

Of The NFL: Is A Native American Unfriendly Roger Goodell A Racist Like Dan Snyder?




The Choctaw Nation has always had a dicey relationship with Negroes.
Many an old time attempt to integrate Negroes into their nation were no goes.
Regardless, this Negro with Choctaw blood mixed into his veins,
Will always defend Native American rights as his own delicious cup of butter beans!

Research will educate you in the ways of the white man's name calling.
The term "Redskin" has a bloody, hateful, horrific meaning, most appalling!
A Jewish man owns a football team with an extremely shady racist past...
Declaring he will keep the racist team name regardless of the team's blackness contrast?

A real twilight zone exists in the Washington, D.C. metro area, a heart slicing boner.
Black NFL players, and the black NFL fans, side with the racist owner!
It is time everybody wakes up and faces the cold hearted reality...
The word "Redskin" is as nasty as the team owner's attitude -- oh, the legality! 


Tuesday, February 11, 2014

I Just Visited Hell... On WJFK 106.7 Radio... By The Words Of Lavar Arrington

As of right now, as I am typing these words, Lavar Arrington has been apoplectic in his twisted overreaction to the declaration by Michael Sam about his personal life choices. He, Arrington, has been ranting and raving incoherently about everything football and personal between the WHY Michael Sam felt the need to come out at this present time... to the paranoid delusional thinking that Michael Sam has to have some kind of diabolical hidden agenda in outing himself in this time of Republican style homophobia and race baiting.

Arrington's biggest problem with Sam's decision is WHY he felt the need to come out NOW!

Lavar Arrington says he is a straight man. Every excoriation of Michael Sam's personal decisions have been spewed by Arrington FROM HIS, ARRINGTON'S, PERSPECTIVE! Arrington says, paraphrasing, 'I would have done this and I would have done that and I would have done the other at this, that and the other time.'

How about this, Lavar Arrington... Michael Sam is a grown-ass man! He decided to come out when he did because... imagine this concept... BECAUSE HE WANTED TO! It is as simple as that. And what in the hell does his time tables of life have to do with you? Your playing days are behind you. Sam's playing days are ahead of him. Let the 24 year old man be a MAN and take the life he owns and... shape it the way he wants to.

Arrington, what in the hell does anything Sam does with his life have to do with you and your acid-trip speed demon homophobia as you cry bloody murder!

Today, about 25 minutes ago, Arrington told the most hellish personal story of the self-indulgent me me me athelete I have ever heard. I almost did not believe what I heard.

This story is told as Arrington is trying to make another bizarre point about Sam's life.

Arrington says: When he was in the 4th(?) grade there was a teacher who rode him to conform! Arrington hated this teacher because he believed this teached rode him too hard. Later in life, when this teacher is on her death bed, some people tell him that he should visit her.

Arrington continues: Because he held a long time grudge against this teacher, as an adult he decided that he was NOT going to visit this teacher. Why? Because just because he is well known, that doesn't mean he has to capitulate to others.

(This is not a direct quote! I am paraphrasing the story from my memory almost an hour later. If Arrington ever decides to contest what I have just written, I will tell him to go to the GODDAMN tape!)

I applaud the intelligent athlete. I will listen to the intelligent athlete. But everyone should know this... like crazy politicians with their horrible ignorant notions of the way everybody should lead their lives, many athletes have spent a decade trying to devote themselves to their cause... football. Many of them learn stuff and are very smart. But, many of them are NOT smart, at all. They have zero common sense, little grasp of history and are just coming to terms with the real world as they leave football.

And so, some of them get out there and run their mouths... showing their ignorance of most things not football related. Many of them have some cash to get them started in life. And, many of them go on to do productive things. But when it comes to talking to the public about the personal caveats of life... they are very ignorant.

And Lavar Arrington, along with his co-host, show what stupid ignorance looks like every afternoon they are on the air. And I just heard the atom bomb drop from Arrington's mouth a few minutes ago.

The funny thing about my little rant right here... I do not expect these thoughts to go very far. I am listening to the Lavar Arrington Show right now to keep my enemies close... and not ONE person has called in to the radio show to complain about Arrington's insensitivity!

Thank god Arrington was not blasting Native Americans again. Maybe, he has learned a few lessons there. But this gay issue? Arrington keeps talking about his Christian values, even as he tries to awkwardly question the motivations of Gay people.

Come on, Lavar... just admit the reason you are freaking out about this subject. You are anti-gay... your Christian values will not allow you to be anything else, RIGHT? Admit what you are and free your mind and your soul.

Oh, by the way... you are pure evil, even as you espouse your Christianity. A true Christian would have NEVER LET OUT THAT EVIL STORY YOU TOLD ABOUT YOUR EVIL LIFE!



Saturday, February 8, 2014

Mark Brunell -- Traitor To The NFL!

Mark Brunell needs to shut the hell up and fade away into obscurity.

This religious jerk played his football, enjoyed all the perks the NFL afforded him, stayed on way too long and took up the spot another player could have used to make a football living, has the rest of his life in front of him to preach his religious dogma to the conservative Right Wing bastards he is a part of, and now is showing the rest of the NFL players what a complete ass-jerk he is.

He got his!

Now that he has finished playing in the NFL he has to fuck it up for the rest of the men who crash their skulls together every week for our enjoyment. It is becoming a fact that Marijuana is a way to relieve the "PAIN AND THE STRESS" associated with the most dangerous gladiatorial sport on the planet!

And, whether Mark Brunell likes it or not, Marijuana use... in some form, or the other... will become a part of the NFL! And it might come sooner than later.

Just like a politician who walks with the regular people while acting like he is one of them, and then shit talks them when he hangs out with his politician friends, Mark Brunell is a traitor to the NFL and every football players who has ever respected the dangers of the game.


Think about that, Roger Goodell... the next time you shake Mark Brunell's hand.


Sunday, February 2, 2014

The Absurdity Of Change: Why Is There A question Of Removing Kicking From The NFL?

If you like what is said in this poem about your favorite American sport, please tell someone else to read these words... even e-mailing my link and blog information out to your fans and friends and sports networks would be a great thing to do. We are ALL IN on NFL safety issues! Telling the powers that be to fix football without turning it into a completely different sport is one of our ultimate goals in sports life!

I am a black man... with brown ideas, with brown skin and with brown eyes.
Today, I am referred to as African-American by governmental spies!
I never had a problem with being a Negro man...
I never had a problem being a black man, of which I am a fan...
But the Absurdity Of Change has confused my race with too many... whys!

This poem could be drawn out to expand my point, exponentially!
I have said enough in the above stanza to make my point, essentially!
The gist of this poem crushes my heart into pieces, under a block of granite...
People out there want to remove kicking from the best game on the planet...
Will this Absurdity Of Change destroy America's most popular pastime, potentially?

Let us ponder these thoughts as we watch the Super Bowl tonight.
Imagine what the game will be like without the input from kickers, forthright.
Do you really want "FOOTBALL" without a foot on the ball?
"They" do want this Absurdity Of Change... will you let "them" make that call?
Speak-up, America... Goodell has voiced his horror show opinion, and it is in sight!


Wednesday, January 15, 2014

For The Love Of God, Adrian Foster... Negro, Please!

Arian Foster,
You're a millionaire Houston Oilers NFL star...
With a wife and kids!
You meet a smoking hot 20 year old college student!
You obviously want to have sex with her!
She is hot as hell.
Your morality be damned...
You are going to f**k her!
Let me ask you one question,
How much does a pack of condoms cost?

You're a stupid idiot,
Arian Foster!
Now take your responsibility medicine,
Accept your new kid,
Who will obviously be the prettiest kid in America --
Look at your beauty and look at the college student's beauty --
And pay through the nose, stupid,
And put this mess behind you as far as the public is concerned.

Nobody needed to know your business, Arian...
If you were a MAN who takes care of his business.
And how about a future scenario, Arian...
Years from now...
When the press is still hounding your child...
How are you going to explain away your child's heroin addiction,
As he looks at the footage of his NFL star dad being a deadbeat douchebag!
Do the right thing, man...
Make the girl happy and all this fades away into the background!

Think with your brain for a change!