I am watching the death kneel of my favorite sport!
It is writhing and squirming and flopping to death before my eyes.
The NFL is not a living entity that has a life that could expire...
But it definitely is run by human men who are as flawed as a cracked diamond!
Something dark has been born in the always spinning vortex of NFL time,
Metastasizing like the worst kind of Cancer in the past decade or two!
It is an evil concept that has brought down nations...
Let us call it what it is -- THE ARROGANCE OF THE NFL!
NFL players used to be considered dumb jock thugs who were brutal gladiators.
They were caricatured by the media from Time magazine to Mad magazine.
They were thought of as Sunday warriors who mostly knew only football.
And America loved them for their brutality and their size and their dumb jock personas.
But a time came when the media suddenly began to defer to these players for information.
The time came where the fans began to take the player's words as solid information.
The weeks came where the owners began to exert their influence with their words.
And suddenly America began to believe that these players and owners were... intelligent!
Football players are still dumb jocks with the same warrior mentality!
The owners are still the same arrogant brain dead money ATM machines as always.
The commissioner is still the completely neutered lackey of the owners!
And know this... just because you know how to make money does not make you SMART!
Some if the dumbest, most ignorant, stupid, idiotic brain dead people on earth are WEALTHY!
Look at the inbred Walton Clan... look at the brain dead wealthy men of American politics...
Look at the wealthy evilness of the Koch Brother's Clan... and look at NFL owners!
All this filthy richness gives rise to idiotic arrogance from people who are rock dumb!
The media continues to paint Roger Goodell as a smart man.
The reality is this... Roger Goodell is an NFL owner's zombie with one purpose!
What is that purpose, one might ask...
Protect the NFL shield -- without one bit of future thought of what that means!
The NFL's owner/players policies are straight trash!
Collective Bargaining and all the other NFL wonky stuff has meant nothing!
Dumb people have made dumb decisions about frightening behavior!
You cannot have the inmates inside the asylum making policies for the inmates!
The NFL owners are not smart people, America.
One of these owners insists, defiantly to his own inevitable self-destruction,
That he will defend his supposed NFL right to insult the Native American Nation...
By displaying his team's racist name before him like his racist shield of hatred and shame!
Have you heard these NFL owners speak to the media?
These are not smart people, America.
Just because they can make fist fulls of money every month...
That does not make them intelligent, sensitive, proactive, caring or smart!
America... you want your favorite sport to reel itself in and straighten up?
Forget about that ever happening in this modern time!
As long as this set of brain dead ridiculous owners continue their reign of terror...
The inmates -- the commissioner, the coaches, their staff and the players -- will stay bad!
This mess needs an outside force to sweep in and wipe this slate clean!
The erasure needs to begin at the level of the owners of the NFL!
How can we expect the players to NOT act like women beating ISIS thugs,
When the NFL ownership acts like ignorant Taliban assassins throwing acid on the fans!
These are the opinions from a 55 year old fan of the NFL!
My team happens to be the Dallas Cowboys!
A recent ESPN interview of Jerry Jones relieved just how cracked and flawed he is!
This money making machine of a man, filled with hatred and avarice, owns "my" team!
Every NFL owner is like Jerry Jones to some degree.
These men are cutthroat businessmen who are five step above loan sharks!
Cross them at your pearl, fans, and you will see their true colors...
As they attack you at the most basic level of your existence... your wallet!
Good NFL will is dying on the wilting vine!
The behavior of the players is a result of the bad will from the upper level management!
A stupid commissioner who talks, and presents, a good game front...
Has empowered this implosion by attacking "drug use" instead of NFL domestic violence!
The sadness in my heart makes me want to cry.
It is sad to see the NFL driving away women and children from its embrace.
Why would a woman want to give her child to the NFL...
When she believes the NFL will turn him into a woman beating assassin thug!
I am watching the death kneel of my favorite sport!
It is writhing and squirming and flopping to death before my eyes.
The NFL is not a living entity that has a life that could expire...
But it definitely is run by human men who are as flawed as a cracked diamond!
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