-- It is a soul killing murder when a black man of influence is a race trader dog! --
Charles Barkley is an anti-black American, black American, who is showing the dementia-like affects of too much fat in his diet, too much alcohol in his blood stream, too much cocaine shorted up his nose, too much delusion from his compulsive gambling habit, too much Uncle Tom living in his ‘life of the rich and famous’, too much detachment from the reality of the same kinds of people he is on the outside of his bloated stretched skin and too much attention from people who are DYING to kiss his fat ass!
People who take the racially self-hating thoughts and musings of this human piece of garbage seriously are as STUPID as he is!
Charles Barkley is an ignorant fool! The words coming out of his mouth are the drivel of the self-important ignorant jerk who has not heard the word “NO” in 30 years!
Please... can anyone, anyone, sew this fool’s mouth shut with fishing wire! The very last thing the black Americans, who survive this blood war that white people have against black people in America, need is -- Dumb Ass Charles Barkley empowering the very people who are MURDERING his own ‘people’ dead in the streets.
Well... not in the streets where Charles Barley lives. Who might his neighbors be who are black? I don’t know, but I bet one of them is a black man who is identified by the Nike Swoosh!
It is so frightening how money and drugs and alcohol and gambling can make a man more stupid, day by day!
Hey Charles Barkley... take your money and buy yourself a real education! Maybe you will learn to shut your mouth and leave the fight for the end of the black American struggle to those of us who are living it, you piece of garbage!
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