Simply put, in this short and to the point note to CNN:
You had your hot chick newscaster, Brook Baldwen, interview the race hating, racist, race bating, rabble rousing Charles Barkley on one of the first days of December of 2014. She asked him her questions without challenging his defamatory, anti-black rhetoric once. It was obvious that she, and CNN, were ECSTATIC to interview the ONE black man in America right now who will openly bad mouth his own race!
Now that Kenny Smith, who works beside Barkley on TNT -- and has as much African-American American clout as Charles Barkley -- came out against his friend in an open letter chastising Barkley for calling the Ferguson rioters inflammatory names that could, in fact, have potentially enraged some of these people to cause them to do more damage... now that he has come out as supportive of the plight of his fellow black people... where is his interview with CNN to counter on air in a live interview the viciously horrible anti-black things Barkley said -- or, at least, to give his points about what is going on in America, even if he decides to not talk about Barkley.
Would it not be nice to at least get his opinion?
I never thought that CNN would pull off a FOX NEWS assassination piece against black America, especially since Brook Baldwin's interview was aired in the midst of all the other great reporting from CNN!
I guess even CNN feels the need for a little racist sensationalism once in a while!
Please talk to Kenny Smith, CNN!
P.S. -- I want to end with this statement. The only thing I agree with Charles Barkley about is this one thing:
Policemen are awesome.
And, I am going to speak for every black person in America right now -- 98% of us respect the police! That 2% of us are the ones who are out there interacting with policemen on the streets of America. There are good interactions within that 2% and there are horrible interactions between that 2%. But, most of us simply do not interact with the police.
To have an idiot like Charley Barkley basically lump all black people, with the exception of himself and his wealthy black and white friends, in the same coal pile with his ignorance is simple stupidity.
With as many negative interactions that Barkley has had with the police over the decades, it is a space/time splitting rift in the fabric of reality that he decides to talk about the police in the first place.
Like a long time drug addict who has been embattled with law enforcement for years and years... and after he finally has paid his price to society and now is straight... decides to tell everyone he knows, in an over-the-top over-compensating way that law enforcement is the greatest thing society knows -- but all his people remember how horrible he has been toward them and law enforcement, so they scoff at his sincerity because they remember how he hurt them for decades -- that is how America should consider ANYTHING that Charles Barkley says when he is chastising black people and praising the police.
I wonder how those cops he gave headaches to for 25 years feel about him and his smugness!
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