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Sunday, February 2, 2014

The Absurdity Of Change: Why Is There A question Of Removing Kicking From The NFL?

If you like what is said in this poem about your favorite American sport, please tell someone else to read these words... even e-mailing my link and blog information out to your fans and friends and sports networks would be a great thing to do. We are ALL IN on NFL safety issues! Telling the powers that be to fix football without turning it into a completely different sport is one of our ultimate goals in sports life!

I am a black man... with brown ideas, with brown skin and with brown eyes.
Today, I am referred to as African-American by governmental spies!
I never had a problem with being a Negro man...
I never had a problem being a black man, of which I am a fan...
But the Absurdity Of Change has confused my race with too many... whys!

This poem could be drawn out to expand my point, exponentially!
I have said enough in the above stanza to make my point, essentially!
The gist of this poem crushes my heart into pieces, under a block of granite...
People out there want to remove kicking from the best game on the planet...
Will this Absurdity Of Change destroy America's most popular pastime, potentially?

Let us ponder these thoughts as we watch the Super Bowl tonight.
Imagine what the game will be like without the input from kickers, forthright.
Do you really want "FOOTBALL" without a foot on the ball?
"They" do want this Absurdity Of Change... will you let "them" make that call?
Speak-up, America... Goodell has voiced his horror show opinion, and it is in sight!


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