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Thursday, February 14, 2013

The Madness of the International Olympic Committee

I do not understand why the sports world has not imploded by the decision of the International Olympic Committee to drop wrestling from the Olympics by 2020. The flat out partisan politics concerning this decision should have already been enough of a kick in the face of fairness to make all sports fans get up off their chairs and protest.
The first Ancient Greek Olympics features wrestling as its primary sport. We have all grown up knowing that fact as truth. The fact that this committee would have the temerity to remove the showcase sport of wrestling, regardless of political and ratings issues, is an affront to all who respects sports.
A few years ago, the IOC removed women's softball from the Olympics in a secret meeting in Singapore. These guys appear to be cowards who need to run off to secret locations and make these secret decisions, before slinking back into the dark background when they spring these crazy, irresponsible decisions on the public.
Everybody loves women's softball... except the disrespectful members of the IOC! It decided that, for bizarre reasons that are without sense, that the millions of women and girls around the world who give everything they have in their minds, bodies and souls to the sport of women's softball do not, in their opinion, need to express that love of sport in the Olympics. And that is just crazy.
The world should threaten the IOC with a total blackout boycott of their product. Why do several men who slink off to secret places in the middle of the night have the right to make these negative sports decisions that affect untold millions of sports fan and athletes around the world -- without giving the world and the athletes any input into the decisions. This is sheer madness.
Boycott the Olympics, world. Make these jerks in the IOC see the light of reason. All this secret meetings stuff has got to go. IOC, it is time to bring in the rest of the world -- we who watch, participate and purchase the product that keeps the you in business -- into your decisions about what we should enjoy when the Olympics come back.
World, tell these IOC members that it is time for them to act responsibly... or else!