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Tuesday, February 11, 2014

I Just Visited Hell... On WJFK 106.7 Radio... By The Words Of Lavar Arrington

As of right now, as I am typing these words, Lavar Arrington has been apoplectic in his twisted overreaction to the declaration by Michael Sam about his personal life choices. He, Arrington, has been ranting and raving incoherently about everything football and personal between the WHY Michael Sam felt the need to come out at this present time... to the paranoid delusional thinking that Michael Sam has to have some kind of diabolical hidden agenda in outing himself in this time of Republican style homophobia and race baiting.

Arrington's biggest problem with Sam's decision is WHY he felt the need to come out NOW!

Lavar Arrington says he is a straight man. Every excoriation of Michael Sam's personal decisions have been spewed by Arrington FROM HIS, ARRINGTON'S, PERSPECTIVE! Arrington says, paraphrasing, 'I would have done this and I would have done that and I would have done the other at this, that and the other time.'

How about this, Lavar Arrington... Michael Sam is a grown-ass man! He decided to come out when he did because... imagine this concept... BECAUSE HE WANTED TO! It is as simple as that. And what in the hell does his time tables of life have to do with you? Your playing days are behind you. Sam's playing days are ahead of him. Let the 24 year old man be a MAN and take the life he owns and... shape it the way he wants to.

Arrington, what in the hell does anything Sam does with his life have to do with you and your acid-trip speed demon homophobia as you cry bloody murder!

Today, about 25 minutes ago, Arrington told the most hellish personal story of the self-indulgent me me me athelete I have ever heard. I almost did not believe what I heard.

This story is told as Arrington is trying to make another bizarre point about Sam's life.

Arrington says: When he was in the 4th(?) grade there was a teacher who rode him to conform! Arrington hated this teacher because he believed this teached rode him too hard. Later in life, when this teacher is on her death bed, some people tell him that he should visit her.

Arrington continues: Because he held a long time grudge against this teacher, as an adult he decided that he was NOT going to visit this teacher. Why? Because just because he is well known, that doesn't mean he has to capitulate to others.

(This is not a direct quote! I am paraphrasing the story from my memory almost an hour later. If Arrington ever decides to contest what I have just written, I will tell him to go to the GODDAMN tape!)

I applaud the intelligent athlete. I will listen to the intelligent athlete. But everyone should know this... like crazy politicians with their horrible ignorant notions of the way everybody should lead their lives, many athletes have spent a decade trying to devote themselves to their cause... football. Many of them learn stuff and are very smart. But, many of them are NOT smart, at all. They have zero common sense, little grasp of history and are just coming to terms with the real world as they leave football.

And so, some of them get out there and run their mouths... showing their ignorance of most things not football related. Many of them have some cash to get them started in life. And, many of them go on to do productive things. But when it comes to talking to the public about the personal caveats of life... they are very ignorant.

And Lavar Arrington, along with his co-host, show what stupid ignorance looks like every afternoon they are on the air. And I just heard the atom bomb drop from Arrington's mouth a few minutes ago.

The funny thing about my little rant right here... I do not expect these thoughts to go very far. I am listening to the Lavar Arrington Show right now to keep my enemies close... and not ONE person has called in to the radio show to complain about Arrington's insensitivity!

Thank god Arrington was not blasting Native Americans again. Maybe, he has learned a few lessons there. But this gay issue? Arrington keeps talking about his Christian values, even as he tries to awkwardly question the motivations of Gay people.

Come on, Lavar... just admit the reason you are freaking out about this subject. You are anti-gay... your Christian values will not allow you to be anything else, RIGHT? Admit what you are and free your mind and your soul.

Oh, by the way... you are pure evil, even as you espouse your Christianity. A true Christian would have NEVER LET OUT THAT EVIL STORY YOU TOLD ABOUT YOUR EVIL LIFE!



Saturday, February 8, 2014

Mark Brunell -- Traitor To The NFL!

Mark Brunell needs to shut the hell up and fade away into obscurity.

This religious jerk played his football, enjoyed all the perks the NFL afforded him, stayed on way too long and took up the spot another player could have used to make a football living, has the rest of his life in front of him to preach his religious dogma to the conservative Right Wing bastards he is a part of, and now is showing the rest of the NFL players what a complete ass-jerk he is.

He got his!

Now that he has finished playing in the NFL he has to fuck it up for the rest of the men who crash their skulls together every week for our enjoyment. It is becoming a fact that Marijuana is a way to relieve the "PAIN AND THE STRESS" associated with the most dangerous gladiatorial sport on the planet!

And, whether Mark Brunell likes it or not, Marijuana use... in some form, or the other... will become a part of the NFL! And it might come sooner than later.

Just like a politician who walks with the regular people while acting like he is one of them, and then shit talks them when he hangs out with his politician friends, Mark Brunell is a traitor to the NFL and every football players who has ever respected the dangers of the game.


Think about that, Roger Goodell... the next time you shake Mark Brunell's hand.


Sunday, February 2, 2014

The Absurdity Of Change: Why Is There A question Of Removing Kicking From The NFL?

If you like what is said in this poem about your favorite American sport, please tell someone else to read these words... even e-mailing my link and blog information out to your fans and friends and sports networks would be a great thing to do. We are ALL IN on NFL safety issues! Telling the powers that be to fix football without turning it into a completely different sport is one of our ultimate goals in sports life!

I am a black man... with brown ideas, with brown skin and with brown eyes.
Today, I am referred to as African-American by governmental spies!
I never had a problem with being a Negro man...
I never had a problem being a black man, of which I am a fan...
But the Absurdity Of Change has confused my race with too many... whys!

This poem could be drawn out to expand my point, exponentially!
I have said enough in the above stanza to make my point, essentially!
The gist of this poem crushes my heart into pieces, under a block of granite...
People out there want to remove kicking from the best game on the planet...
Will this Absurdity Of Change destroy America's most popular pastime, potentially?

Let us ponder these thoughts as we watch the Super Bowl tonight.
Imagine what the game will be like without the input from kickers, forthright.
Do you really want "FOOTBALL" without a foot on the ball?
"They" do want this Absurdity Of Change... will you let "them" make that call?
Speak-up, America... Goodell has voiced his horror show opinion, and it is in sight!