Steve Bisciotti is a crass, obnoxious, loud mouth fool... just like Mark Cuban. Just because this man is worth over two billion dollars, that doesn't mean he is socially intelligent.
His crass statements during his press conference on 9-22-14 concerning the way he flippantly dismissed the fact that there are NO influential women in his executive offices, the flippant way he sarcastically views his own work ethic, the paranoia he exhibits when he talked about the ESPN report on the Raven’s organization and the way he flippantly dismissed the fact that he did not see the “inside the elevator Ray Rice assault tape” simply because he was not interested in seeing it all points to a man who abjectly is not taking this issue seriously.
In 47 minutes of Press Conference, I did not hear one sincere apology to women in general, children or Ray Rice’s wife! In fact, when Bisciotti spoke about anything female related he said it with a stupid smirk on his face.
This press conference was nothing but the forum for a self-important fool to give his manifest reality to an audience that he could spar with and try to control -- just like Mark Cuban does whenever he gets the chance to mouth off.
If football fans, and women in general, refuse to look directly into the dark soul of this man... the soul he laid out for you to look at on TV... and see him for what he is, then shame on you. If you are so blinded by his power, his money and his ownership of the Baltimore Ravens that you looked right over the con job he perpetrated today, then shame on you again!
Nobody tells this man what to do! Period! Every sleezy thing he has done, and said, he has done it because HE WANTS TO!
Also, as an owner of an NFL team, Roger Goodell WORKS FOR BISCIOTTI! And, if you believe that Bisciotti does not believe in his mind that he OWNS Goodell, then again... you are as delusional as these owners are. They live in their bubbles of wealth and seclusion, which involves fine wine and fine food, airplanes and helicopters, jaunts to vacation anywhere they please, mansions with elevators for their exotic cars... and more and more derision... and the attracting of the kind of dried up beautiful women who are as soulless as they are!
Steve Bisciotti is a soulless vampire! Who know what deprived idiocy this man is into when he is secluded in his mansions behind gates and security systems.
I’ll tell you this... I bet it does not involve anything that respects women!
And I would bet a dollar that all 31 other owners are just as sick in their souls, body and minds as Bisciotti is. Look at Jerry Jones and Dan Snyder as two openly awful, and sometimes flat out evil, examples of arrogant NFL owners filled with slimy derision on horse steroids!