Pure White Trash on CBS Radio WJFK
Here is another example, over a 7 minute segment, of their abject disrespect and horrible slamming of the dead!
Today, 4-5-13-, Kevin "BDK" McCarthy is an area movie reviewer who started his reviews on The Sports Junkies nearly a decade ago. The shtick The Sports Junkies have, as the impetus to have McCarthy review movies on Friday, is to talk all over his segment -- insult him, disrespect his reviews, call him names, make fun of his OCD issues, and to generally make it almost impossible for the radio audience to understand what he is saying.
There is a very complex relationship between The Sports Junkies and McCarthy that would take a week to explain. I'll not do that here... enough people out there know what that relation is and why McCarthy puts up with their horrible destruction of his reviews on their show.
Last night, Thursday, Kevin McCarthy was on Fox 5 in Washington, DC. There, they respect him as a serious film critic and never try to cut his feet out from under him... you know, like as in a professional organization. And on that segment, McCarthy and the news Anchor, discussed the death and legacy of Mr. Roger Ebert. They had a serious 5 minutes filled with respect for a man who defined film criticism and film review journalism.
Very few other film reviewers, other than Gene Siskel and a couple more, deserves more respect than Roger Ebert. And the fact that he has been battling a horrible form of cancer that took away his voice, and continued to write in full effect right up to the end, was testament to his true love of his craft.
This morning, during Kevin McCarthy's movie review segment, he mentioned the death of Roger Ebert. And the response from The Sports Junkies was, along with other disrespectful comments, an emphatic "WHO CARES!"... as they continued to break down McCarthy and ruin, as usual, the review segment.
This is the continual pattern of pure Maryland white trash attitude all 4 junkies display every day they are live on the air. Each of these men have eluded to their trashy roots themselves over the years -- and they TRY to live up to their horrible black souls! As I've said many times before, I'll never understand why a black person, a women or a Native American person would EVER listen to The Sports Junkies... it is beyond my understanding. I listen to them to occasionally report on their terrible ways.
These are evil men, People... on evil CBS, that is now sitting on top of a pressure cooker of racism that might be ready to explode.
You want a daily dose of racism, narcissism, sexism, bigotry and pure disrespect of the rules of engagement of callers and guests... tune in to 106.7 The Fan, CBS Sports Radio WJFK!
Today was a new low! To disrespect a well respected, popular dead man, who lost the cancer battle only a couple of days ago, so openly and proudly on the radio airwaves is the height of obstinate meanness! And The Sports Junkies are EXPERTS at being racist, nasty mud wallowing pigs!
Disrespect for the dead? You should have heard what they said about Patrice O'Neal when they had one of the New York City stand up comics, an actual good friend of O'Neil's, in studio a few weeks after O'Neal's death. Right to the face of the comic, who was obviously still very affected by the death of his friend, the members of The Sports Junkies made horrible assertions about O'Neal.
And the worst thing about that disrespect is this... O'Neil had been in The Sports Junkies at least once a year, or two, before he died... and he KILLED! The Sports Junkies radio show has never been more interesting as the day O'Neil was on their show! Patrice O'Neal was a genius of observational humor... and he elevated The Sports Junkies show to another level with his appearance
And they repay his respect for their show by trashing him right in the face of his shaken stand up comic friend?
Talk about bastard bitches. And it wasn't even the hardest racist in the bunch, Jason Bishop, who threw out the worse insults.
These are horrible men. They respect NOTHING! And it is too bad that Kevin McCarthy has to put up with the negative bullshit from the disrespectful Sports Junkies every Friday!
Oh yea, and you can forget about the spineless management at WJFK doing anything to stop the evil on its airwaves! The program director is a spineless dick, just like the rest of the shock jocks, who lives in abject fear of The Sports Junkies. You can be goddamn sure that he will be fired for sticking his nose in their business before they would be fired as they they call him words like, a pussy, for example!
Remember... CBS is a racist organization that is about to soon be exposed to the national audience at large. Don't ask me about CBS and racism. Ask the very few black people who work for CBS... and those blacks who have left for greener pastures at other networks!
Again, A Perfect Example Of The Disrespectful Dicks The Sports Junkies Are!
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