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Thursday, August 15, 2013

What If: Robert Griffen III Shoots Self In Head At Press Conference After 3000th Stupid Question By Sports Media


How can RG3 possibly function properly in the 2013 NFL campaign...
When the local relentless paranoid press pursues him like a hunted dog?
How can the most gifted quarterback in the NFL possibly be of relaxed mind...
When the talking heads at WJFK radio second guesses every move he makes.

RG3... he, the man with the recuperative mutant powers of Wolverine!
RG3... he, the man who gave his knee for the ungrateful Washington fans last year!
RG3... he, the man who smiles and tries to be a personable friend to Washington fans!
RG3... he, the man who now works for the most hypocritical sports fans in America!

If RG3 says the sky is blue...
The psychotic Washington fans will say he is too arrogant to make that declaration?
If RG3 says he is fit and ready to do his job...
The psychotic Washington fans will say who is he to make decisions about his own body?

And if RG3's parents have the audacity to be protective of their gifted son...
The psychotic Washington fans will castigate them like THEY know that family dynamic!
And if RG3 displays the temerity to stick up for himself...
WJFk radio psychopathic shock jocks attack him as NOT having the right to opinions about himself!

WJFK radio, on a daily basis, feeds bloody gossip red meat to the bat shit crazy,
Loudmouthed bastard, ignorance of their own delusions, fans of the DC Metro area!
The gossipy, little whinny, tin voiced mongerer of the midday show is the worse!
He refuses to see reason... choosing instead to invect delusional supposition of RG3's thoughts.

Nobody, short of the people directly involved in RG3's day to day life...
Knows one goddamn thing about the man and his personal thoughts and motivations.
There is this new breed of untrained media flamethrowers and bomb makers who,
In pure testosterone journalism ignorance, are creating a monster named McCarthyism!

They take the sound byte from a RG3 conversation and dissect the words into one million slices.
The first slice is what the man actually said as he stands on the podium.
The other 999,999 slices are comprised of every imagined scenario their delusional minds can conjure!
And by the time they are finished creating a paranoid vision of what RG3 never said... the sky is falling!

How much salt can WJFK, and others like Jason Whitlock, pour into an RG3 wound that does not exist?
How much more damage can Holden Kushner of WJFK cause to the psyche of the Washington Quarterback?
It is obvious that RG3 is a follower of social media -- AND HE IS LISTENING TO YOU MOTHERFUCKERS TALK ABOUT HIS LIFE HE IS A GODDAMN DOG!
How the fuck do you think your ass-hole rhetoric is going to affect him when the REAL games begin?

Shut the fuck, all you meddling know nothing bastards!
Leave the management to the fucking team to the fucking coach and his goddamn staff.
You should be BUILDING UP RG3... not tearing him down with your stupid guessings!
Leave the RG3 bridge building to the coaching architects professionals on the team!

Another Quarterback visited the WJFK studios today to talk about his controversial issues.
The two Shock Jock Sports hosts sat there and basically agreed with every word he said!
And then, after he left their studio -- they ripped his ass-hold from his body, from the inside out!
Again... dissecting his words -- forming paranoid delusional fantasies that the Quarterback never said!

Pure, ignorant evil -- on WJFK radio!


Friday, August 2, 2013

What The Hell Is Jason Whitlock's Damage... Apologizing For Riley Cooper?

You must read Jason Whitlock's article in the above link first... for proper context in relation to what I wrote below!

First thing first... Riley Cooper vomiting out the word Nigger, in anger... toward black people... is not a goddamn gaffe, Jason Whitlock! Let us get that right... right from the beginning!

I am sick and tired of Jason Whitlock's hypocritical, stupid, whiny, apologetic stances toward sports figures who decide to show their true evil nature to the public. Whether it be Vick's propensity for animal abuse... through all the other idiotic sports protagonist's evil deeds throughout the years... including this fiasco with the racist bastard Riley Cooper. Call a racist a racist, Whitlock, and then let him stew in the repercussions of his actions. That is the way men handle this kind of business.

But no... you have to apologize for, and minimize Riley's actions, by comparing what this racist prick did, and said, to your past dickish behavior.

I am a 54 year old black man. I attended Fayetteville State University back in the late '70 through the early '80's. We called Fayetteville N.C. Fayettenam because that place was as wild as a war zone! Fayetteville, along with the mixing of the soldiers from Fort Bragg, was -- and is -- one of the wildest places in America. And back then... it was off-hours clubbing and drinking and drugging and fucking.

When Cameo and the Bar Kays, for example, came into town for a concert... they ended up on FSU's campus and all hell would break loose. All the pot you could want... all the alcohol you could want... all the partying you could want... and all the Gay people in the surrounding area descending on the party to "Get Off!"

And I NEVER then, and I have never SINCE, devolved myself to the point of being a homophobe. Nor did ANY of the many straight friends of mine show animal ignorance of our fellow human beings by attacking Gay people, verbally or physically... period! The BEST party times I have ever had in my life were spent in a club filled with HAPPY Gay party people -- at a goddamn SYLVESTER concert!

Holy shit, that was a party!

Whatever damage you, Jason Whitlock, suffered at the hands of your fucked-up family, or your fucked-up friends, or your fucked-up religion was transferred to the "Faggots" you hated, right? And you will admit, won't you, that you called Gay people homophobic slurs, right? What the hell was your problem?

And, Jason Whitlock, you are still a homophobic jerk! Just because you say you are reformed, doesn't make it so. Have you been to therapy to find the root of your issues with Gay people? I'll  bet you haven't seen a psychotherapist! Whatever twisted evil was in your heart yesterday is still in your heart today. You know it and I know it! I've never met you and I KNOW you are still a "Fag" hater!

Why the hell are you defending a racist, redneck goat-roper from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. I'm from Killeen, Texas and I know racist redneck goat-ropers from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. The Football Texas/Oklahoma hatred is strong... and often times it is the "NIGGERS" who get caught up in the middle of the hatred white people have for each other -- and for black people like me! I know this because I lived it!

Killeen, Kangaroos -- 1977! The goddamn tales I can tell you from my travels between North Carolina and Texas!

One of these tales is the story of black people who apologize for the racism of white people! Maybe I'll tell you that tale one day, Jason Whitlock, when I decide you are truly worthy of my respect -- me a man who has never issued a homophobic slur to a homosexual man, or woman!

And would, and will never, apologize for a drunken redneck fool... at a goddamn country & western Kenny Chesney concert with his Nigger hating cowboy hat... surrounded by other Nigger hating country & western concert goers... who is full of "I'm a football player who can kick all your Nigger asses" beer muscles!

Are you fucking kidding me, Whitlock? You are defending that racist behavior? Oh, and you probably believe Cooper uttered the word Nigger for the first time on that video, right? I can't believe you are that stupid!

I suppose you have your place in sports literature. I've never figured out what it is -- rabble rousing provocateur? Most of the time, when I read your work, I say to myself -- this is some crazy science fiction shit this man writes. And your article on Riley Cooper is worthy of... an Issac Asimov science fiction tale of an alternative earth where the laws if racial physics are so twisted that an American black man will apologize for a redneck racist who utters the word NIGGER when he pleases!

Wait a minute... that is this reality, the reality that gives the world -- Jason Whitlock!